Emma willard school

Afro Now, Then & ¡Presente!

The following itinerary was developed for Emma Willard School Students, to encourage students’ learning about the African Diaspora in Colombia. Emma students and faculty traveled from Albany, NY to Colombia for 10 days of activities in Santiago de Cali and Cartagena de las Indias where they met with cultural workers, local historians, and fellow students to learn about what it means to be an Afro-Colombian - Now, Then, and Presente (in the present.)

This itinerary dealt with Afro-Diasporic history in Colombia & the Atlantic World as it relates to Colombia, what is means to maintain traditions, and self-determination as it relates to land on both the Atlantic & Pacific Coasts of Colombia.

Here’s What Students & Faculty Had to Say

My favorite activity was the youth exchange with Cali students because we had lots of time to just chat and get to know them...I felt like I made my deepest connections at this exchange while having a lot of fun.
— Julia '24
An amazing experience, students were engaged and enthusiastic even when they faced the heat and exhaustion.
— Chelsie (Educator)

Work with us to curate a trip that allows students

& faculty to explore their curiosities out in the world.

I had an incredible time and learned a ton, it was an opportunity that I don’t think I could find with any other group.
— Josie '24
This experience helped me feel connected with a community in the African Diaspora because we did so many experiential learning activities where we were able to learn about the African Diaspora through very interesting and hands-on workshops.
— Ashlyn '24