World 2 the Whyze

World 2 the Whyze belivies that the world is filled with wisdom and we should be guided by our curiosity to make our way around it and explore

Who we are


To create experiences and resources that encourage travelers folks to explore their connection and commitment to the African Diaspora.


A world where Black people are Borderless, Intentionally Interconnected, Joyful & Independent.

Our Values


about ourselves and our interests


the world in every nook and cranny

African Diaspora

connecting with the diaspora means connecting with ourselves -- like looking at a mirror


heritage, history, and culture are an entry point to explore politics and lived realities of the world

Joy in Community

make new friends, build community and spend dollars while immersing ourselves in local communities

Our Story

World 2 the Whyze started in 2022 as a YouTube channel, documenting the experiences of a novice world traveler venturing out on a Black Sabbatical, a concept our founder thought up in 2021.

This journey began when our founder dreamed up the Black Sabbatical, an immersive black experience to take a break from Euro-centric worldview during a COVID-19 lockdown. On a Black sabbatical, Black was normal, celebrated and sacred. After quitting her job that summer, she sought those kinds of experiences in black communities across 4 continents for nearly 2 years.

This journey forced her to think critically about the ways that Black culture & societal contributions are undervalued across the globe. Through her videos, she wanted to help bridge the gap between curious travelers looking to connect authentically with local communities and Black businesses & cultural workers that have interesting stories and unique experiences to share.

In 2023 we began offering educational travel programming as World 2 the Whyze, and we’re on a mission to help Black travelers lean into their curiosity, turn their fascinations into expeditions, and co-create immersive experiences in every corner of the globe. We hope to connect the diaspora one cultural experience at a time.